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Ken Griffey Jr. Loves 'MLB The Show', But Not All Video Games

Ended the course of 22 baseball seasons, Ken Griffey Jr. nominate serious numbers (630 domicile runs; 13 All-Star Back selections, 10 Gold Glove Awards) and forever altered the direction of America's baseball caps. Merely, more than that, Griffey just blue-eyed baseball. He played with the excitement of a guy who knew how lucky he was to field and tally for a living. The fans loved him for it. He became an icon. Then the 'Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball' video unfit came away on Super Nintendo and he became an image.

MLB The Show 17has upcycled the icon's fancy for its cover. Why put a superannuated dad on the cover of a computer game? To market "Retrospective Mode" and take advantage on Griffey's permanent cool. Also, information technology should make up said, to spiel off Griffey Jr.'s gaming bonafides. The former Mariner is a serious player because He enjoys it and he is — not to set back too fine a point thereon — good at poppycock.

Fatherly spoke to Griffey virtually his computer game evolution, attractive in virtual family combat, and, wherefore, if line of work gaming was approximately back in the 24-hour interval, he still would bear ended up in the outfield.

mlb the show 2017 -- Ken Griffey Jr.

The Griffeys are called great baseball players. Daddy was theatrical role of the Big Red Machine. You're you. What's the gaming culture like in your house?
My father and my blood brother and my son bet together, so there can Be three generations of Griffeys going at it online on whatsoever given day. My dada gives Maine a shrimpy trouble sometimes because his recruiting skills are a unimportant better than mine. He recruits his grandsons who ilk to shoot on their dad.

How does IT feel to be back on the cover of a game post-retirement? It's for Retro Mode, but I bet it still impresses your kids.
It's ample. Now my kids can't complain or get on my back when I tell them how I played back in the day. They've got a new version…. And we're pretty good at both.

Are you impressed by the bye you and former players look in the new game versus how you looked when these games were first coming out?
They've fall a long way. Everything was jolly square and cubic and the graphics art was nowhere near where they are now. With technology like motion capture and existence able to set a 360 video of the guys, they have their swing and stance look more realistic and you tooshie actually pick up tendencies and things that they do from the game.

ken griffey videogame -- Ken Griffey Jr.

Does that translate to games being more fun for you?
I conscionable think it's bettor fun with online swordplay winning IT to a new story of competitiveness. To the highest degree of the time you'd play with your friends, in real time you're playing with your friends and some people crosswise the world. You get a chance to know citizenry.

Are the Griffey's sportsmanlike obsessive computer game baseball players operating theatre have you moved passed that?
We play everything —Send for of Duty, Golf. My dad is starting to get into soccer, but he's not really into passing the ball. Either he doesn't know how to pass Oregon he doesn't like to choke. It's one or the other.

How often do mass figure kayoed that they're playing a game against Ken Griffey Jr.? Do the disorientation?
I'm online playing all the time and I've got five or six guys that figured unfashionable who I was by my vocalization. I was playing and after three months they were ilk, 'Man, I've got a question, you sound wish Ken Griffey Jr.,'  and I was wish, 'Um, no' and we unbroken playing and playing. And one daylight he was online acting with one of my cousins and I told him WHO I was and he goes, 'Man, get the hell kayoed of here! We should Adam to a game together.'

ken griffey playstation -- Ken Griffey Jr.

As someone who played professional sports and plays Outcry of Duty, what do you make of eSports? Do you think it's good for kids that it's suddenly plausible they could make a living acting video games?
It's a good thing, you get guys out there WHO are highly competitive and they take their craft, equivalent anybody else, identical badly. IT gives kids the opportunity to raise in the industry that they love.

If it had been an option, do you think you would have gone that way?
Stressful to say I mightiness have been a two-sport jock?

Yeah. Call of Duty and baseball.
That power take over worked. Only yeah, I don't think it would have changed anything because my love for baseball is second to no.

This interview was altered for length and clarity.

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